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Developing Good Learning Habits

Amina attended the recent Independent School Show (ISS) in London where Heads of some of the most prestigious schools were invited to speak at the podium to parents and provide insights on how to navigate the admissions process with success. One topic that came up was about how to develop good learning habits in children.   Amina has provided a list of some of the things parents can do to set this process in motion.

Building Bright Minds: Nurturing Smart Study Habits!

We all know that learning is a lifelong journey, and setting our students up for success starts with solid study habits.

Smart Start: Begin with a consistent routine and a designated study spot.  Think about installing a large weekly, wall-mounted family planner visible to everyone

Time is Your Ally: Encourage bite-sized learning sessions! Short and sweet study intervals (energy breaks) help keep those young minds refreshed and ready for action.

Small Goals, Big Wins: Celebrate every tiny triumph!

Question Quest: Encourage curious questions and keep the conversations flowing, especially at mealtimes.

Praise and Positivity: Shower your child with praise! Positive vibes make learning a delightful journey of growth, showing that every step is a fantastic achievement.

Together We Soar: Teamwork makes the dream work! Partner up with your child's tutor and keep the communication lines open. Share your insights, you know your child better that anyone else and this will help create a tailor-made learning experience.